Distance Learning
This page has been prepared to help support students and parents with any digital learning needs. Here you will find links to helpful tutorials and resources for our different learning platforms and tools as well as some basic troubleshooting tips for student Chromebooks.
All technology requests should be sent to [email protected]. Please include as much information as you can with your request. If you performed any troubleshooting on your own, please let us know what you’ve done as well. This will help the Technology Team address your issue as quickly as possible.
We are pleased to provide every GO-Wil student with a Chromebook for use during remote learning. The school-issued Chromebook is for instructional purposes for the duration of the school year both in and outside of school. We need your support and partnership to ensure implementation goes as smoothly as possible. In an effort to educate students and families we have prepared a brief video outlining logistics, expectations and policies.
Chromebook Agreements
For students utilizing a GO-Wilm Chromebook, please review the following:
Chromebook Accidental Protection Plan
Chromebook Acceptable Use Policy
If you are having any issues with your Chromebook, please contact [email protected]
Accessing Google
Each student has a Great Oaks Wilmington Google account. Student accounts are tied to our learning platform, Schoology. Students will receive updates and messages regarding their coursework via Gmail and should plan to log in every day. Great Oaks e-mail addresses were provided to you at the time of Chromebook pick up. If you did not receive your e-mail address, please e-mail [email protected] or call the school at 302-660-4790.
To sign in to Google:
- Go to Google (www.Gmail.com)
- Click the blue Sign In button in the top right corner or “Add Another Account”
- Sign in using your student email address
Accessing Coursework
We will be utilizing a learning platform called Schoology for remote learning. During the first week of school, students will receive a daily e-mail in their inbox with the links to their classes, which will be held via the video conferencing platform, Zoom. Throughout their first week, teachers will support students in accessing and navigating Schoology. Starting on Monday, September 14, students will access all of their coursework via Schoology. Please make sure students check their e-mail before the start of classes on Tuesday to ensure they are on time for their first class.
MAP Growth Testing
GO-Wilm will be conducting MAP growth testing remotely during the second week of school, Sept 13-17.
About MAP
MAP Growth helps teachers understand what students know today, so goals can be set to improve growth throughout the year. Students cannot pass or fail this test.
This test will not affect grades. In fact, it’s normal for students to only answer about half the questions correctly. Please don’t help them!
Given the challenges of learning from home, MAP Growth test results are especially helpful for us this year. These results will help us know what students are ready to learn.
Prior to Test Day
1. Make sure your device has an internet connection
2. Disable pop-up blocking on your internet browser Disable Popup Blockers
3. Make sure your device meets testing requirements using the Workstation Diagnostic Tool
4. Make sure your child has headphones
- Watch the MAP Growth introduction video
- Practice the test at practice.mapnwea.org (Username: grow, Password: grow)
On Test Day
1. Minimize distractions for your child as much as possible
2. Provide a quiet testing environment
3. Allow the teacher/proctor to open the session first
4. Log in at test.mapnwea.org
5. Make sure you have a way to communicate with the teacher/proctor during the test
6. Follow any additional instructions from the teacher/proctor
¿Qué es MAP Growth?
MAP Growth le permite al maestro saber lo que sus estudiantes saben y así pueden establecer metas para progresar durante el año. Los estudiantes no pasan ni reprueban la prueba.
La prueba no afecta a las calificaciones. En realidad, es común que el estudiante responda correctamente la mitad de las preguntas. ¡Favor de no ayudarle!
Dados los desafíos de aprender desde casa, los resultados de MAP Growth son particularmente útiles este año. Nos ayudan a saber aquello que el estudiante está listo para aprender.
El día anterior a la prueba
1. Asegúrese de que su dispositivo tenga conexión a la red
2. Desactive el bloqueador de ventanas emergentes (pop-up blocking) en el navegador Disable Popup Blockers
3. Asegúrese de que el dispositivo cumple con los requerimientos para la prueba según la herramienta Workstation Diagnostic Tool
4. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a tenga auriculares
- Vea el video de introducción de MAP Growth
- Haga una prueba de práctica en practice.mapnwea.org (Nombre de usuario: grow; Clave: grow)
El día de la prueba
1. Reduzca al mínimo las posibilidades de distracción de su hijo/a
2. Proporcione un entorno tranquilo para la prueba
3. El maestro/supervisor deberá abrir la sesión de prueba primero
4. Inicie sesión en el sitio test.mapnwea.org
5. Asegúrese de que usted tenga una manera de comunicarse con el maestro/supervisor durante la prueba
6. Siga cualquier otra instrucción del maestro/supervisor